Charity of the Year

The race is on to heal hearts together

Around 26 million people worldwide are living with heart failure and over 920,000 people have the condition in the UK alone. That’s 18.4 times the number of people running the TCS London Marathon this year.

The British Heart Foundation is proud to be the Charity of the Year for the 2022 TCS London Marathon.

When we team up, anything is possible. Even a cure for heart failure – and that’s what we’ve set our sights on. The 2022 TCS London Marathon is a once-in-a-generation chance for us to pour rocket fuel on the field of regenerative medicine – an area of science we believe is the key to unlocking a cure for a disease that destroys lives. Run for research at the 2022 TCS London Marathon and help us cure heart failure sooner.

Together, we can give hope

Together we can help realise the huge potential of regenerative medicine in healing hearts and give much-needed hope to people living with heart failure in the future. Dr Victor Velecela (right, centre) will be running the 2022 TCS London Marathon for the British Heart Foundation. His research team is just one of the many UK research teams supported by the British Heart Foundation.

Harry Redknapp's heart story

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