Cost of living crisis


Can you imagine choosing between heating your home and having a hot meal? Sadly, many families can no longer afford either, and one in four families will struggle to put food on the table this winter. 

The current high cost of living means children are waking up in cold homes and are going to school hungry, parents are struggling to pay their bills, and families are unable to afford essential items such as beds and bedding.  

Barnardos’ frontline staff are helping struggling children and families by providing them with emergency support such as beds, access to food, and support with their mental wellbeing. The charity also provides ongoing support by helping to find suitable accommodation and access to long-term financial advice to set people up for a better future.

Your donation will help Barnardos provide essential support this winter and beyond. Here’s what your money could do:

  • £50 could provide specialist support to a family struggling to make ends meet. Thanks to you, a family could be empowered with access to long-term financial advice to set them up for a better future
  • £60 could help cover the costs of a trolley full of food to keep a family well fed for a whole week. Thanks to you, a child could eat the nourishing food their growing body needs
  • £164 could help cover the cost of a bed for a child so they can enjoy a safe and comfortable night’s sleep without the need to share with a family member
  • £200 could cover one month’s energy costs for a family struggling to make ends meet. With your support, a parent might not have to worry about the cost of putting a wash on, or their children taking a shower. You could relieve huge financial strain, and help a family come home to a warm house for the first time this winter
  • £240 could help keep a family well fed for a whole month and ensure children go to school having had breakfast, and have a hot meal waiting for them when they come home

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