British Heart Foundation runner

British Heart Foundation

The British Heart Foundation has been at the forefront of cardiovascular research for more than 60 years, covering conditions from heart failure to irregular heart rhythm and congenital heart defects.

Thanks to the BHF’s biggest ever research grant, a team of world experts aim to deliver a cure for inherited heart-muscle diseases, which affects about 30 million people globally. BHF also supports those affected by heart and circulatory disease, and this year alone, the charity received more than 42,460 calls to its heart helpline, which offers advice and support to those who need it.

Your donation can help provide vital support and drive life-saving research forward. Here’s what your money could do:

  • £18 could fund an hour of research from one of BHF’s early career scientists 
  • £22 provides an hour of vital support from a Cardiac Nurse to answer patients’ questions
  • £25 could help give a researcher an hour of access to a powerful microscope – helping them to see what’s going on inside heart and blood vessel cells 
  • £85 could provide BHF with a day’s support from one of its PHD students
  • £450 could help pay for one day of a project to build new healthy patches of heart. New heart tissue could be used in the future to treat heart failure

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