Children with Cancer UK patient

Children with Cancer UK

About 10 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK.

After losing both their children to cancer in the same year, the O’Gorman family founded Children with Cancer UK. Through research, supporting those affected and raising awareness they envision a world where every child and young person survives cancer. The family also wants to ensure that children with cancer have access to the best care and support, regardless of their economic situation or where they live.

Your donation will help fund support for people directly affected by cancer, and fund research to bring the charity one step closer to finding a cure. Here’s what your money could do:

  • £10 could help keep a family together during cancer treatment, building ‘homes from home’ near hospitals 
  • £25 could help a researcher develop kinder and safer cancer treatments, reducing devastating side effects 
  • £50 could fund visionary research so more children will get to survive their cancer diagnosis

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