Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Cystic fibrosis is an invisible condition. You can’t see it or what it does to the body. But it’s not invisible to about 11,000 people in the UK whose lives are dominated by it every single day.  

Cystic Fibrosis Trust is the charity uniting people to stop cystic fibrosis and works to improve care, speak out and race towards effective treatments for all. The charity won’t be stopped until people with cystic fibrosis live without limits, and it needs your help. Cystic fibrosis dominates lives, slowly breaking the body’s defences. It makes life frustrating and exhausting. Anxious and lonely. And cystic fibrosis limits lives. Through breathlessness and coughing, time-consuming hospital appointments, health management and endless medication. Frequent infections and, far too early, death. Change is possible, but it is not happening soon enough. 

Your donation will help, from funding cutting-edge research and providing vital information, to driving up standards of care. Here’s what your money could do:

  • £10 could provide an information pack for children, parents and teachers to ensure children with cystic fibrosis (CF) have the support they need at school
  • £20 could run the charity’s Helpline for an hour, ensuring people with CF, and their loved ones, have somewhere to turn to for information and support   
  • £23 could pay for an hour with a Welfare Advisor, giving people with CF access to expert information and advice on everything from benefits to employment rights 
  • £30 could help fund more research into treatments, cutting the time it takes for research to move from tests in the lab to life-changing medication for people with CF  
  • £50 could enable the Helpline to support five people with CF and their families 


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