London Marathon participants supporting Great Ormond Street Hospital

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Every day, about 750 seriously ill children and young people from across the UK are seen at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for life-changing treatment and care. This includes 72 new patients who have never been seen at GOSH before.

TeamGOSH is helping fund four key areas: rebuilding and refurbishment; child and family support services, such as the GOSH Play team; research into treatment and cures; and vital medical equipment. 

Your donation will help children and young people while they are receiving life-changing treatment and care. Here’s what your money could do:

  • £10 could help towards funding an operating microscope that helps surgeons perform ear, nose and throat surgeries on their young patients
  • £48 could fund everything a Play worker needs for two hours of imaginative play with a child on the ward
  • £152 could fund a Play specialist to help reduce anxiety for a child who is scared of needles for blood tests
  • £400 could cover the cost of a 10-night stay in GOSH’s family accommodation, so loved ones can stay minutes, not miles, from their child’s bedside while they receive life-changing treatment and care  
  • £700 could fund a day’s worth of entertainment from musicians, artists and performers through the GOSH Arts programme, to lift the spirits of patients, families and staff
  • £1,115 could fund a Play worker and everything they need to prepare arts and craft packs for creative play on the ward for five days

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