Infant awaiting their meningitis vaccination

Meningitis Research Foundation

Across the world, meningitis kills one in ten people and causes lifelong disability in one in five people who survive it. Children under five account for half of all meningitis deaths.

Our mission is clear: to defeat meningitis by 2030. Imagine a world free from meningitis and septicaemia. A world where effective vaccinations can protect everyone. A world where people who get ill get the most effective diagnosis and treatment possible. A world where those affected by meningitis, their families and communities get the best support possible. It is not just a vision; it is a call to action. By supporting research, spreading awareness, and championing vaccinations, we can create a future where meningitis can be defeated.

Your donation will help those directly affected by meningitis through our support services. Here’s what your money could do:

  • Give new mums access to lifesaving disease awareness information so they can spot early signs of the disease and seek assistance as soon as possible.
  • Provide care and advice to sufferers and their families through support services.
  • Pay for trained support officers who provide detailed information and support to someone struggling with the impact of meningitis.

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