Shelter runner


One in three adults in Britain, around 17.5 million people, are negatively affected by the housing emergency ‒ living in overcrowded, unstable, or unaffordable housing.  

A secure home provides the building blocks for a happy and healthy life, and a fair housing system is the foundation of a thriving country. Too many of us don't have a safe place to call home. The housing emergency is everywhere we look.   

Join Team Shelter and help us hold the new government to account. Help support the 4,000 people sleeping rough every night. Help us campaign for a new generation of social homes.  Help us end the housing emergency. 

Your donation will help make a substantial difference. Here’s what your money could do:

  • £12 could enable our Legal Team to call a social landlord and fight to save a family's home. Keeping children in their home, in their school, with their friends.   
  • £18 could pay for expert legal advice to save someone confronted with imminent eviction and the loss of their home that provides safety and stability to their lives.   
  • £46 could fund two web chats that provide fundamental information to empower someone facing homelessness to know their rights.   

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