Participants at the TCS London Marathon

Fundraiser of the Week

Organization for Autism Research

Discover why Jessica is taking on the 2023 TCS London Marathon for RUN FOR AUTISM, the signature fundraising program for Organization for Autism Research.

“In 2015, I crossed the Finish Line of my first Boston Marathon and set a goal to complete all six of the Abbott World Major Marathons. In 2023, I have the privilege of running both the TCS London Marathon and the Berlin Marathon and going for my fourth and fifth Abbott World Major Marathon Stars.

“But these marathons are different. For this year’s TCS London Marathon and Berlin Marathon, I am so excited to be part of the RUN FOR AUTISM fundraising team to support something near and dear to my family. In May last year, our daughter Blake was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

“In the best way possible, Blake has changed our perspective on just about everything. She is smart, creative, cuddly, analytical, athletic, sweet and loves to be chased around the house by her twin sister, Remi. When we started on this Autism journey, our wish as parents was for Blake to fit in, to do the same things that other kids do and to become mainstreamed. Those wishes have drastically changed. Blake has received education, therapy and resources that have made such a difference in her life. We don’t want her to fit in – we want her to be exactly who she is with the support to thrive!

“Blake and Remi, the most supportive twin sister, have become my ‘why’ and put a new passion behind marathon running. I cannot wait to hit the streets of London and Berlin and run for Blake – and Remi – and the Autism community. If you are able, please consider donating to RUN FOR AUTISM. Thank you!”

To support Jessica’s fundraiser, click here – and to use your ballot place to join the RUN FOR AUTISM team for the TCS London Marathon for Mind, click here.