Our partnerships

Who we work with

In addition to The London Marathon Charitable Trust's grant programmes, we've worked with a range of partners to act on our commitments. You can read about a few of our partnerships below.

  • Since 2018 we have worked in partnership with Blueprint for All (formerly the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust) on a range of programmes and initiatives to inspire young people across the UK. Among other opportunities, our partnership has enabled young architecture students to design mile markers for the TCS London Marathon, with the winning students' design being launched at the 2022 event.
  • Since 2019 we have partnered with AKD Solutions, a learning and development consultancy, to provide an inclusive leadership programme for our senior leaders and a continuous learning journey for all staff in relation to diversity, equity and inclusion. We continue to work closely with AKD Solutions on a number of fronts.
  • The Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) was set up by London Marathon Events (LME) to advise on and guide the delivery of its participation and community engagement objectives, specifically around the diversity of participants in LME’s portfolio of events and supporting the infrastructure of running communities in London. It’s a consultative guidance body, chaired by LME with members coming from various running crews and running community groups across London.

    Members of the IAG advise LME on equality, diversity and inclusion-related issues in running and fitness, particularly those faced by ethnically diverse communities. In turn, members will be supported to grow and sustain their own running communities, be active participants in a running network across London and be given the opportunity to access capacity building support.

    The IAG meets six times a year and has 10 members representing communities across London.
  • In 2021 we became involved with Dr Mark Prince OBE and the Kiyan Prince Foundation to inspire our staff and support schools to access the Foundation’s future leader’s programme. We will continue to work with Mark and his team to amplify his message of hope and inspiration to help young people be the best possible versions of themselves. 
  • We work with a consortium of youth organisations called the Hope Collective. Formed as a partnership collaboration to support the 20th anniversary of the Damilola Taylor tragedy in 2020, the primary objective of the Hope Collective is to develop a campaign that is inspired by the kind of young person Damilola represented – a young boy full of aspiration and ambition who had written about his hope for the world shortly before his premature death.

    The Hope Collective brings together youth organisations, justice intervention and care specialists, businesses and statutory bodies to promote the same cause: providing young people with a platform to articulate their vision of a brighter future and to influence decision-makers, addressing key issues such as poverty and violence.

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    • The Charitable Trust

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    • The London Classics

      Tackle the UK’s greatest mass participation challenge

    • The Spirit of the London Marathon

      Celebrate the unique spirit of the world’s most popular marathon

    • The Charitable Trust

      The London Marathon Charitable Trust has awarded more than £95 million to projects that inspire activity

    • The London Classics

      Tackle the UK’s greatest mass participation challenge

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