MP participants

Meet the MPs taking part in the 2024 TCS London Marathon

This year, a record 20 Members of Parliament and Peers from across the political divide will be taking part in the TCS London Marathon on Sunday 21 April 2024.  

Among the MPs are 14 Conservatives, including Jeremy Hunt, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. At one end of the experience spectrum is Alun Cairns (Con, Vale of Glamorgan) who will be participating for a seventh year in a row and who was the fastest MP in 2021, 2022 and 2023 – with his fastest time of 3:29:32 coming in 2022. 

At the other end of the spectrum, making their London Marathon debut in 2024, are Dehenna Davison (Con, Bishop Auckland), Eddie Hughes (Con, Walsall North), Caroline Johnson (Con, Sleaford and North Hykeham), Patrick Grady (SNP, Glasgow North) and Bambos Charalambous (Ind, Enfield Southgate) will all be attempting the 26.2 mile course for the very first time. 

There are two Labour MPs taking part -  Thangam Debbonaire (Shadow Secretary of State for Culture and Sport) and Dan Jarvis (Barnsley Central) - and two from the Scottish National Party. The SNP is represented by Glasgow East’s David Linden, and Glasgow North’s Patrick Grady.  

There are two Peers participating: Lord James Bethell and Lord Graham Evans. 

The fastest London Marathon time ever recorded by a sitting male MP was by Matthew Parris (Con, Derbyshire West) in 1985 when he finished in 2:32:57. The fastest time by a sitting female MP was set by Liberal Democrat Jo Swinson in 2011 when she finished in 3:57:00. 

Having run 11 apiece, Alun Cairns and Edward Timpson hold the record for the highest number of London Marathons completed as an MP. 

The 2024 edition of the TCS London Marathon will feature the most active MPs in the event’s history – see below for the full list of MP participants hoping to make it to the Start Line in April (their party and constituency listed in brackets).  

MPs and Peers participating in the 2024 TCS London Marathon 


  • Duncan Baker (Con, North Norfolk) 
  • Alun Cairns (Con, Vale of Glamorgan) 
  • Bambos Charalambous (Independent, Enfield Southgate)  
  • Rehman Chishti (Con, Gillingham and Rainham) 
  • Dehenna Davison (Con, Bishop Auckland) 
  • Thangam Debbonaire (Lab, Shadow Secretary of State for Culture and Sport) 
  • Patrick Grady (SNP, Glasgow North) 
  • Matt Hancock (Ind, West Suffolk)  
  • Jeremy Hunt (Con, Chancellor of the Exchequer) 
  • Eddie Hughes (Con, Walsall North) 
  • Dan Jarvis (Lab, Barnsley Central) 
  • Caroline Johnson (Con, Sleaford and North Hykeham) 
  • David Linden (SNP, Glasgow East) 
  • Paul Scully (Con, Sutton and Cheam) 
  • David Simmonds (Con, Ruislip, Northwood, and Pinner) 
  • Edward Timpson (Con, Eddisbury - Cheshire) 
  • Will Quince (Con, Colchester) 
  • James Wild (Con, North West Norfolk) 


  • Lord Graham Evans (Con, Lord Evans of Rainow) 
  • Lord James Bethell (Con, 5th Baron Bethell)