Find the fuel that works for you
A healthy, balanced diet should be your first priority when you start preparing for any running event. However, as you ramp up your mileage in marathon training, you should start thinking about the fuel you'll need to take on during your runs – and that’s where specialist sports nutrition comes in.
Sports nutrition products cover everything from drinks and gels to bars, tablets and sweets. Figuring out what products work best for you will become a key element of your training once you start to run for longer than 60 to 90 minutes at a time.
By trying a variety of products in good time, you'll be able to identify the right ones for you and have a sound fuelling and hydration plan in place when Marathon Day rolls around. Leave it until the last minute and it could be too late to find out that something doesn’t suit you!
However you decide to fuel your 26.2-mile TCS London Marathon challenge, our partner Lucozade Sport has got you covered with a simple strategy for success...