A macmillan runner celebrates after finishing the 2022 London Marathon

Charity resources

Information for charities about the TCS London Marathon

Whether your charity is already involved in the TCS London Marathon or seeking new places for participants, here you'll find all the information you need to make the most of this huge fundraising event. 

Charity opportunities

We offer a series of new initiatives which give charities the chance to engage with the TCS London Marathon, include our Charity Bond scheme, the Charity Advertising Partnership Programme and the Charity Ballot. Click on the options below to find out more. 

MyWay London Marathon charity places

Since its first edition in 2020, the TCS London Marathon MyWay has continued to be a hugely successful fundraising opportunity for charities – it's an ideal way for them to engage with supporters wherever they are in the world.

Charity toolkits and key dates

To help charities market their places for both the mass and virtual editions of the TCS London Marathon – and cheer on supporters from the start of their training to the Finish Line – we've created a handy toolkit of assets that are entirely free to download.

We've also compiled two lists of key dates for charities to consult – one relating to the TCS London Marathon and the other to all our events with charity places.

A runner celebrates after nearing the TCS London Marathon finish line

Apply for Charity of the Year

As Charity of the Year for the TCS London Marathon, you will have the unique chance to reach new audiences and raise millions for your cause, among many other benefits. UK-registered charities of any size are welcome to apply.